
29 June 2012

AA (arsonists anonymous)

the blaze brightening our faces the last time i was there. and i remember the briefest conversation we had. the fire was on its brightest. yeah. i remember the heat. and the shimmer of the thin sheen on your brows. you had turned to me and asked, "you're not gonna burn my house, are you?" and i just smiled back. then we watched the fire consume everything again. i always like leaning on the side of your car while watching. and then when everything burned out and the air had cooled you turned to me again. "well, are you?" i was staring at the last glints of ember. no more spark. no more heat. no more light. just the smoking rubble. burnt. black. cold. "that is the last thing i'm gonna do." i said quietly as i continued to watch the last of the embers die away. then there was only the dark. the ringing silence after the crackles. the sky above glinting. the stars were all there that night. but it was so dark. they were always not enough when the moon was out.

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