
24 May 2013

sing to me, O muse, how you grew strong because of your tortang talong..
of the sursurrations running along your isle of langerhans,
of the saccharine scarabs gnawing at your hypothalamus.
render unto me, the croutons, that which belong to caesar's salad.
welcome me to the batcave in your head right now, right now. (right now. right now. :-P)

07 May 2013

blue moon

lunarically bangag.
radioactive ID in full throttle.
sing to me, O muse, of your BCT melancholia
of the stellar murmurings of your amygdala
of the cacophonous batrachomyomachian voices in your soup
and of your bruce-almightyish 2nd-rate-trying-hard-copy-paste parting of it
shall i falsetto my replies ?
perhaps i shall even beatbox it!
perhaps perhaps perrrrr--haps!